Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Back - to school!

The summer has come - and gone.
My blog has been silent, but my thoughts and feelings have been many.
Too many to write.
Too difficult to write.
Too hurtful to write.

Now I am back at school.
My new class is full of delightful, delighted, delightable children.
Yet, on a quiet, grey windy afternoon, I wonder what I am doing here.

I am being creative in my teaching.
I am sharing my knowledge with thirsty minds and souls.
I am earning bread for my family's table.
But most of all, I am being obedient to the calling God has given me.

This calling might not be what I would have chosen,
and sometimes
this calling is not what I would still choose.
Yet right now, it is
what God has given me
where God has put me.

Just for now.