Busy with...
days of teaching, marking, preparation...dealing with lessons, children, upcoming events of class assemblies, charity days and prayerspace events. I am constantly amazed at the number of interactions I have every day with children, parents, staff: it would certainly be less tiring were I to be holed up in an office with account books and computer, but certainly much more boring. So I'm not complaining.
Busy with...
evenings of house group meetings, meals with friends, parents meetings, staff meetings; marking of exams, writing reports (must be around 8000 words in two weeks)...
Busy with...
weekends of prayer - training and action; flujab; cleaning carpets; sorting out books to give away; shopping; ladies breakfast; puppy play dates; church.
Busy with...
nights of sleeplessness, as my brain churns; nights of sitting up with a tickly cough;
Busy with...
doctor's appointment; praying with friends.
So after this, I came home on time from school this day, this end-of-the-week-tired-out-on-Friday day and, in the couple of hours free before I have to go out again, made...apple curd. Sweet, spicy, delicious. The little pots sit invitingly next to the cooker. I have labelled them 'Eat Me'.
I will.
I'm thankful for the opportunity, the energy, the delight in being in this small way creative. And for being able to blog again.
And lovely to join in with Faith Barista's Jam-With-Me-Thursdays...even if I am a couple of days late...