Saturday, 24 December 2011

Pollards' end of year report...

Couldn't find everyone's email addresses this have put our news summary here as well.  The aim was conciseness and brevity!
Pollards’ report card: or, What We Learnt in 2011
English: Speaking and Listening: all of us are very well practised in this area, especially as we have been blessed with (what seems like) millions of visitors over the year. Writing: just Angie, really.  Writes emails. Blogs at . Cat also blogs occasionally at ; Jonny tweets.  Richard just reads.(see ICT comment).
Maths: some head-scratching over diminished salaries, but God has kept us worry-free and financially afloat. (see History comment. And RE comment.)
Science: We have had ample opportunity to study wildlife this year. Countless ducks and rabbits took up residence in the garden, allowing for close observation. Then, in September, Pickle (aka The Beast, a 4kg black bundle of Jack-Russell-based mischief) arrived and started her own unscientific study of the available fauna. Richard has taken up internet study of scientific research papers dealing with nutrition, with beneficial results. (See History comment).
ICT: We are thankful for computers and communication, enjoying the blessings of finding out information and communicating with friends. Among various other bits of knowledge, the Internet has been invaluable for helping Richard discover his intolerance of wheat. (see History comment)
RE: Despite health difficulties (see History comment), we have learnt that patience, goodness and kindness are worth far more than a salary. We are also happy to say that, by the grace of God, we were able to support and love one another with more virtues than we knew we possessed. And with more than a little help from our friends at church.
PE: surfing and kayaking are still our main sporting pursuits. Achievement: J excellent, R good, C quite good, A doesn’t even try particularly hard. Still, she’s good at cycling to work –UPHILL – most days. The rest of the family cycle too – except for Pickle. Legs don’t reach the pedals.
History: after struggling with chronic illness for some time, Richard lost his medical licence in July, with consequent suspension from flying duties for this reason. Hopefully, normal service will be restored in the New Year as tests are now clear.
Geography: see Languages comment. R and A have also studied the Guernsey coastline in unnecessary detail. J still exploring the East Anglian fens and C has made it as far as Auckland, New Zealand. Yes, she IS coming back. Sooner rather than later, we hope. (see general comment below)
Art: Jonny is still amazing at drawing. Angie makes cards. Cat’s creations tend to be mostly culinary. Note: we skipped the Photography module this year: the photos on this page are the only ones available. We WERE altogether as a family occasionally, honestly. Just didn’t record it.
Modern Foreign Languages: Well, French. In France, at Spring Harvest – confusingly, in August, not spring. And Spanish. In Lanzarote. In spring. Angie nearly learnt Gaelic in Ireland, too.
Design Technology, aka cooking. Glad to say we have all improved – except Angie, whose skills seem to have deteriorated. Blame it on teaching.
Drama: none, thankfully.
General: Cat is still working for Christians Against Poverty, but in New Zealand. Small office, big challenges, huge experience. Jonny is a learning mentor in an agricultural college in Norwich. Fun. He has bags more patience than his teacher mother. Angie progressed to teaching girls as well as boys this year – that is fun, too. And Richard will, hopefully, be back in the cockpit, wrestling with the weather, quite soon.
We hope that 2012 brings you much goodness and many blessings, with our love from Richard and Angie, Cat and Jonny.   “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Pickle's capers

Just when I thought there was no more new news about Pickle and her pursuit of pleasure - this happened:
A crab claw. Yes, it really is much bigger than her head...
She found it on the beach. Carried it home. Traffic stopped. Strangers smiled. So did we.

Then this:

(The answer to 'How DID she get caught in the wood basket' is that she was trying to grab the last little log hiding at the bottom...the log escaped, this time.)

Then this: toy no.3 on its way to annihilation...

...replaced by toy no.4.  Which proved a match for her.

Added to all these antics is her earnest desire to learn computer skills... she watches the movement of the mouse quite avidly and then tries typing on the keyboard...