Our June Bride, Wynne Hardy, suffering from rejection when Callum broke her heart, agreed to let her friend Picky send a video clip of her to reality TV show
The Rejection Connection. Surprisingly, she is selected and on it, she meets Andy, who, catching her unawares, proposes to her on air. She accepts, and the wedding machine, accompanied by a huge amount of publicity, is set in motion.
Yet Callum suddenly reappears, and Wynne's life is thrown into confusion. Add in interfering Meredith, a 'star' from TV programme
Marathon Mom, hectic plans for a very public beach wedding, lots of conflicting feelings and a 'June wedding' is thrown into doubt. Will it really happen, in spite of all the plans?
Wynne is surrounded by secrets and intrigue, particularly from Meredith, her new-found friend. Can she unravel and understand what is happening, not least, within herself as both Andy and Callum claim her affections?
I enjoyed MaryBeth's writing, though I worked out what would happen fairly early on. I found the clues rather too obvious and would have liked to have been kept guessing a little more. Still, what did I expect? This is a light-hearted, short, romantic novel, perfect for whiling away a couple of summer hours on the beach. Good fun.
About the author: Marybeth Whalen is the wife of Curt and mom of six children. She is the director of She Reads, an online book club focused on spotlighting the best in women's fiction. Marybeth is the author of The Mailbox, She Makes It Look Easy and The Guest Book. Marybeth spends most of her time in the grocery store but occasionally escapes long enough to scribble some words. She's always at work on her next novel. Marybeth and her family live in North Carolina. You can find her online at
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the
BookLookblogger program. I was not required to write a positive review.