Saturday, 24 October 2015

Catching up....

It seems strange that I haven't written anything here since getting back from New Zealand.


Back home, catching up, wrestling with major decisions, starting back at school after a long holiday, wonderful Indian summer to make up for a wet August, too much work in preparation for a school inspection... well, there just didn't seem time or energy for much writing.  I kept up with my other blog, recording Bible study discoveries and other inspiration - when I had time - from across the Net.

So now it is half term. And, for the first time in the last couple of months, I have energy for more. More catching up with friends, more tidying up a neglected life, more reading, more thinking....  I've managed to do some of all those things, but not enough.

Important things have happened, though. Flights, accommodation, transport... all organised, the former with some difficulty.  (Who knew that an airline could just cancel booked and paid for tickets with, initially, no alternatives offered?  Well, I do now. We've learnt a lot.  Thankfully, all sorted.)

And wedding preparations continue: marquees are booked, dress is ordered, rings are bought, bridesmaids accessories and shoes bought, junkyards have been visited, gold is spraypainted.... all of this on the other side of the world. I content myself with the odd conversation, a glimpse on facebook or instagram, a glance at a complicated spreadsheet.  And hope that some time over the next week I can give more careful consideration to the bits and pieces of this much looked forward to event.

Meanwhile, we hope and plan to fly over to see Jonny and Adele, then other friends; a good use for a few days off. Then it will be back and into Christmas planning before I know it...