Tuesday, 12 July 2016

End of term catch up

Summer accelerates.  The last term of the year is always incredibly busy and time rushes by faster and faster. By the end of the term, I feel like the cartoon character running off a cliff, its legs still running in the air before it realises there is no solid ground beneath its feet and it goes crashing down.

It’s a good metaphor, actually. Adrenalin keeps us all going and we manage to fit in the sports days and swimming galas, concerts and prizegiving, leavers’ service and parents’ lunch. 

This year, our two deputy heads decided we needed more training in essential subjects in the last week of term.  They benefit from belonging to a dedicated, professional, highly supportive and polite staff team, because this really was a big 'ask' in the last few days before the holidays.  Class teachers were literally frantic with ensuring that the children ended their year with satisfaction and contentment but there were no complaints, just faces growing ever wearier by the day.

Oh well. Holidays now. I’ll get to tidying up my classroom properly shortly before the new term, read through the new curriculum and create new planning for the new system and resources.

Not much to do, then.  #ironyandsarcasm   Now, I need to rest and recuperate.

But the best bit of the end of term was Cat and Andy’s visit. Arriving earlier than originally planned, we were blessed to have them for a whole ten days. TEN DAYS!  It went by in a blur, of course, but it was such a special time as we caught up with one another and just enjoyed being together. They saw our new house and entertained around thirty or so of our close friends who also know Cat – it is over nine years now since she left Guernsey.  Andy insisted on cutting hedges and lawns before he left: we know, already, that he is an extremely capable and kind man but were touched by his thoughtfulness and willingness to help.

Apart from sharing chocolates, chatting, hanging out together and drinking lots of coffee and tea, we went on an epic bike ride through the lanes of Torteval and St Peters; cycled into town to catch the boat to Herm; strolled round the harbour in the evening, wandering up the pier at Castle Cornet; and explored various cafes dotted round the coast.  
Andy and Pickle become acquainted with each other

Drinking tea and planning
Cat and Andy ran most of the cliffs, up and down countless steps; went shopping for clothes for his brother Jon’s wedding in Ireland later this week; and visited the ancient burial tomb of Le Dehus,  one of my favourite spots to show visitors.  (It is a many-chambered burial mound made of ancient stones, completely covered over with soil and turf.)
Guernsey cows

Slope soaring off Torteval cliffs

A restored World War II gun emplacement

Last brunch at L'Ancresse
Supper at L'Eree
We feel we have given Andy an overview of some of what Guernsey has to offer. Fortunately, the weather turned from rain and fog to bright, sunny and warm: for the first couple of days of the visit, our Guernsey summer had resembled winter in New Zealand – never a good thing.
Moulin Huet - after the cliff run.  #CatandAndylookingridiculouslyfresh
Fish and chips on the beach

On the Herm ferry  #rememberingouttriptoWaihekeisland


 Their visit was over all too soon. I can’t explain the depth of sadness I felt on waving them goodbye.

Sometimes, tears just aren’t enough.