Saturday, 16 June 2012

Random questions to get a dinner conversation going...

Found some random questions to get a dinner conversation going...and added a few recording them here for reference.  (Am convinced my laptop is going to turn up its toes and die soon, so best to store online!)

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you could teach a dog a new trick, what would it be? 
  3. Do you enjoy singing? How about just in the shower?
  4. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
  5. Can you do a cartwheel?
  6. What is your favorite sound?
  7. What would you do with £30.89?
  8. Do you have any weird tricks? (i.e., double jointed? wiggle your nose?, etc.)
  9. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be and why?
  10. Do you have a favorite Bible verse? What is it?
  11. Which do you prefer: car, boat, or airplane? (money is no object)
  12. What is your earliest memory?
  13. Why did you come here today?
  14. Who do you most admire, and why?
  15. Where would you like to live?

Sunday, 10 June 2012

May I remember May...

May began with a long-awaited event - since May last year, to be precise. New Wine Guernsey.  I always love it - modelled on the week long event in Somerset but held over a weekend. This year, speakers were Greg Haslam from Westminster Chapel and Mark Bailey from Trinity Church, Cheltenham. Both fantastic speakers. The music was excellent but most encouraging was seeing 700 Christians from across the island gathered together to worship. Just a wonderful weekend.
Liberation Day - annniversary of Guernsey's relief from the German Occupation - with friends.
New Wine Training Partnership morning - I have, at the moment, no intention of taking on this rigorous part-time study but the morning of teaching from Chris Pemberton on leadership was thought-provoking and inspiring. And then a lovely afternoon tea with friends from my Ladies Breakfast group...
A full day's course to support my job as PHSE coordinator...much to think about; a wedding in the UK - and then, on my return, I started to think about School Reports. In intentional capital letters.
By the time I had finished, I had written approximately 8500 words.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Pickle performs


'Praise the Lord!'

'Let's dance!'
'Give paw', 'Sit' and 'Stay' coming later...

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee celebrations

Our floral display and decorations at the front of the school as our street party starts.

Gilli's wonderful celebration cake.

My wonderful friend Gilli who organised it all with incredibly efficient planning and a whole heap of hard work.