Saturday, 2 December 2017

Nice November

The month began with bright, clear, blustery weather - the kind of weather with increased ions in the atmosphere, an air of cheerfulness. The Nerines' bright pink scattered around the garden are now fading, but the bright red berries adorning the patio have remained for weeks, showing no signs, yet, of dropping.

Just what we need to cheer the colder, greyer days approaching.

Despite November's bad reputation, we seem to have cruised through it. The weather has, mostly been mild: I still managed to cycle to school every day, even when the wind was quite fierce. Although we are very near the sea, we can avoid the fiercest of the storm by going down the back lanes...
Not all is windy... many sunsets are beautifully calm.
School was overfull of events and reports and excited children... at home, we acquired a TV, for the first time in many years. Sad to see how much rubbish is broadcast, but it has been fun watching the All Blacks storm their way through some very exciting matches. And then discovering the joys of David Attenborough's Blue Planet - unbelievable photography.

Saturdays were busy: Healing Rooms: a breakfast for women friends from church, where we gather at my table to share life together; prayer times with Kareena... owner of Pickle's best friend, Howie.
Weeks full of parents' evenings - always a joy to meet parents and be encouraged as we discuss their children's progress; a ladies' evening, in support of MedAir; a gathering of friends and neighbours to supper....

Much laughter. Nice.

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