Saturday 18 April 2009


If my day was a menu, it would have looked like this:

My starter was gazpacho.
Deliciously chilled, yet full of flavour
as I picked up on little tasks: a spot of cleaning,
reviewing a story, answering an email,
chatting on facebook.
No stress.

Lunch was tagliatelli carbonara
with wild rocket and mushroom salad
laced with parmesan shavings,
as I wove my way around town with my children and my dog,
running little errands
enjoying having time to do these things together.

Afternoon tea was what it said on the tin:
a feast of freshly made scones, Guernsey butter,
home made jam and coffee, walnut layer cake.
My best friend Renee shares her life with me:
her wisdom, her love,her kindliness are better than food.
Than fruit cake, even.

Dinner: potato salad, drenched in olive oil, lemon juice and fresh herbs.
Tuna. Newly grown vine tomatoes.
Being with family: my husband, my son, my daughter, my dog.
As varied as potato salad,yet all mixed together.

Telling each other: "I love you."

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