Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pickle is a pickle

It's been quite hard becoming a puppy parent again.  Actually, I'm not sure I've ever been a real puppy parent: most of the dogs I've had have arrived at the ripe age of 8 months or older. Whatever, it's a) time-consuming and b) wearing on the nerves.

I'm sure there are c) d) and e) points as well.

So we've been reading up on puppy training quite assiduously.  Pickle's report card might look like this:

Response to name:
Attainment: A*
Effort: Superb
Pickle enjoys attention and responds immediately when her name is called. 
Come here!
Attainment: B
Effort: Satisfactory
So far, so good. This command has not yet been thoroughly tested in situations of high interest ie in wide open spaces where there are unlimited opportunities for interesting smells.
Digging holes.
Attainment: A
Effort: Excellent
Pickle has demonstrated tremendous energy in acquiring this skill. She has excelled in creating holes of both width and depth. She now needs to learn where is an appropriate place to dig, as the middle of the lawn is definitely NOT suitable.  Willingness to fill in a hole once it has been finished with would also be appreciated.
Jumping up.
Attainment: D
Effort: Sometimes satisfactory
Pickle is being trained in the art of greeting. This should consist of sitting politely in front of the family member or guest, then waiting to be stroked or hugged. Unfortunately, although Pickle is able to sit quite beautifully, she has not so far proved herself willing to accede to requests to 'sit' in situations where she would rather leap about in a hysterical manner. We look forward to seeing her develop greater self-control.
Attainment: A*
Effort: Excellent
Pickle's sitting is absolutely exemplary and is a joy to behold. Well done, Pickle!
Attainment: A
Effort: Excellent
Although she does not yet 'give' on command, Pickle readily retrieves a ball thrown for her. She is beginning to learn that releasing the ball to the handler results in further pleasurable games of 'fetch'.


Sunday, 9 October 2011

Better a little dust in the corners...

I''ve always enjoyed the email which makes the rounds, the one I call the 'thankfulness' email.  Reminding me of how 'annoyances' are actually blessings: when the lawn needs cutting,  I can be thankful I have a garden to enjoy;  when laundry needs doing, I have a family; when a house needs cleaning, I can be thankful that I have a home to live in. 
So Holley's post Grace for where you are today taps right into that: the unmade beds, dirty dishes and piles of laundry are all evidence that 'people live here'.  From the number of comments on her post, many readers need to be reminded that people and relationships are, ultimately, more important than clean floors.
We all 'know' this. Yet we get sucked into believing lies that performance (efficiency in housekeeping, or doing our job better than others, or...) and appearance (a beautifully clean and tidy house, or fashionable dress and make-up, or...) matter more.
Many years ago, well before marriage and children, a friend - whose home was, in any case beautiful - laughingly told me the Swedish proverb she lived by: 'Better a little dust in the corners than a clean hell.'
I never forgot that. It made all the difference to someone who LOVES Clean, Neat and Tidy. And so yes, there was the odd moment when I got 'beyond myself' over the dirt and the mess while bringing up my children, but that little saying always popped back into my mind before things got Extremely Ugly. (Though whether my children would agree with me...??!)

So it's good to be reminded. Reminded that, although I still get sucked into this unhelpful mindset, it is people who matter more than things.

PS Bonnie's post over at Faith Barista chimes in with remembering God's blessings, too. I especially love her last few words: 
'Remember God’s benefits.
– Remember God’s goodness.
Travel back in time and remember God’s goodness, His faithfulness.
 “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits.” Psalm 103:2'

Thursday, 6 October 2011

News from the Pickle front

It's been quiet on here about Pickle lately.
She hasn't. Been quiet, that is. Except that she does seem to be quietly growing.
I think. She still looks quite tiny to me.
Her days are filled with wondrous things.
Flies are especially fascinating. She found a bluebottle the other day. By the time I noticed, she had the bluebottle gently between her front paws, batting it backwards and forwards or alternately nosing it.
Presumably it died, eventually. I don't know if it was eaten, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Latest obsession is crane flies. She spends hours tracking their progress round the room. Statue still, her eyes never wander.
As for other things - we dissuade her from trying to chew the furniture, or catching at trouser legs for attention as we walk past. She demolishes fir cones on a regular basis.
But learning is going well.
She fetches a ball with alacrity and knows how to 'give' it for another go.  (Not that she 'gives' very often - she loves to tease.  But she's learning.)
She is beginning to walk nicely on the lead. Usually.
House training - getting there. Slowly.
She still falls in the pond - occasionally. We realise she has done it when she starts tearing round the house, rolling on the sofa, wriggling on the carpet in an effort to dry off quickly.  Subtle.
After all that activity, evenings are spent limp and relaxed until bedtime. A scarily quick change of personality from completely feisty to totally chilled.
Or Pickled.