Wednesday, 26 December 2018


The days here in the tropics have blurred together. For me, Northern Hemisphere born and bred, despite many, many warm Christmases, Christmas in my mind and heart is cold and crisp.

Yet Christmas comes. Our Christ-birth celebration comes regardless.

So our day is filled with love and laughter. We cook and clean up, organise and arrange. Byron carefully prepared a suckling pig, roasting it on a spit for Christmas dinner.

Presents under the tree; gin and tonics are the drink of the day; friends come. We feast and celebrate, singing carols and our own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas:
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to Me: 
Twelve sisal ornaments
Eleven presents opened
Ten carols a-playing
Nine teas are brewing
Eight beers are chilling
Seven gin and tonics
Six guests arrivi ng
Five kind Bordens
Four Pollards here
Three sleeping dogs
Two string guitars and 
One pig roasting merrily on a spit!

The day is warm and gentle. Time to sit, relax, chat.

And keep turning and turning the spit.

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