Thursday 10 July 2014

Lists. #wedding

Just over three weeks to go. Jonny arrives for a few days next Friday, so we'll be able to catch up.

Meanwhile, I am writing lists. And lists of lists. Ticking items off - hat, shoes and bag sorted, thanks to the kindness of a dear friend.

So far the list looks like this:

Wedding necessities

Small gazebo for generator
Protective netting ditto
Protective red and white tape
Plastic stakes
Duck tape (? Maybe it's actually called DUCT tape. I know it as Bodge Tape. The silver stuff, anyway.)
Screwdrivers  pliers etc
Warning signs – car triangles and laminated signs: no entry and electrical hazard
Scissors. And The Toolbox - you never know...

4 x RCD lights
Christmas lights
Long string of fairy lights
4 x coloured lights
Portable LED light

Dried rose petals
Printed and cut up photos

As for everything's all in hand...

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