Sunday 6 January 2019

During December...

I started this midway through the month, the day after my mother's birthday. She would have been 95... but am only posting now, in January, when we got back from Tanzania. (So much going on in my head and heart that, to be honest, I forgot about this post!)

Time passes.

We hurtled towards the end of term and our departure for Tanzania. I didn't add much to the post after that. Not that there wasn't time, but my heart was full of family and friends and Africa....

This month was good. Reports finished and signed off; Christmas letter finished and sent out. Decorations - only a few, as we had housesitters coming to stay while we were away - put up. Obligatory/traditional Christmas baking - always Swedish pepparkakor.

Cara Grace grows. We pray for her health, for energy and sleep for her exhausted parents. We are so thankful for her safe arrival.

We grapple with wind and rain, coughs and colds.  This is December.

Off to sunshine for Christmas...

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