Friday 14 December 2007


You know how you sometimes want to be in two places at once? I had one of those moments last night.

It was our end of term party at school. Or, more accurately, at an expensive restaurant in town. (This is the downside of teaching, as opposed to working in an office for a large company: we have to pay for all our social functions ourselves!) Plus, a colleague and good friend is leaving to go to another school, so it fulfilled the function of leaving party as well.

At the same time, it was the final meeting of the term for our home group. This group of friends is like family: we share our lives together - joys, concerns - and pray for each other. We have seen God answer our prayers in amazing ways. Our group is a support and a lifeline.

My colleagues at school have also been a wonderful support to me - they are an exceptional staff.

I went to the staff party. It was great fun. But I SO wished I could have been with my 'family' as well. To be in two places at once!

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