Thursday 4 March 2010


I've had such an exciting week. In a tiny, minute kind of way. Nothing global or newsworthy, except in my heart. And it's still only Thursday - Alpha tonight, Holy Spirit Day on Saturday. How much more exciting can it get?

Anyway, my first bit of excitement is... wait for it, this is so portfolio of evidence for achieving a certificate in PSHE arrived back from assessment.
PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education. I'm the school coordinator. It means life skills really, ties in with the social, moral, spiritual and cultural aims of school.
The portfolio isn't finished yet, but it's not far off. Further than I thought or even hoped.

I also got to observe a PSHE lesson - such fun. It was hugely encouraging to see how the scheme I have put in place is working so well in practice. I picked up some useful tips, too. Our Year 3 teachers are SO gifted, it's always a pleasure to watch them.

My other bit of excitement caught me by surprise. I had gone on an art course on Tuesday. Now, I always believe that educational subject courses are meant to just give me the nuts and bolts for teaching that subject better. Normally, that is exactly what they do and I come back to school with reams of notes and tons of ideas.
Art courses aren't like that. Unfortunately, I always forget what they are like, so when I pitch up and, after a few minutes of introduction we are then told to 'get on with it', I go into meltdown. Quietly, in a controlled and unobtrusive way.


Last course - abstract art - induced pure panic. I spent the first half hour just slapping on paint in the hope that something would emerge. It did, eventually, and didn't look too bad.

This time, we had to paint flowers. Complicated flowers, with a myriad of different hues. Shade, tone... you name it.

I chose a photo of a purple cyclamen. And you know what? I ACTUALLY PAINTED IT. It looks fabulous. I am more thrilled than if I'd had writing published.

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