Thursday 10 April 2008

Leaving - not.

I've spent the last few hours packing. I should have left the island this afternoon, but have put it off until tomorrow morning - I'll leave on the 'red-eye' at 7am. I hope I'm not pushing my luck - I have a connecting flight a mere 4 hours after arrival in Manchester. I think that's enough time to cater for any weather or technical problems. I've only experienced these twice: once, a five hour delay due to fog; another time, an hour's delay because of a minor technical hitch. So I'm hoping all will be well.

I was just putting off my departure - I could have gone this afternoon. But the weather was glorious: cloudless skies, azure blue, millpond still sea; the sun beating down on my face as I sat on the rocks at the beach, while the dog splashed in the sea, convinced summer had arrived.

And Jonny and Cat are still here. They go back to uni at the weekend, while I am away. I just wanted to make the most of every minute with them.

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