Friday, 30 November 2007


Friday - I've just got home having stayed four nights - one night to 8.30 pm - out of five this week. Today it was to put Christmas decorations up. Huge fun.

As a staff, we are a little wacky. So the fun today was to see who could put up the tackiest decorations. I think I won, with garlands on all the toilet door handles. We did err slightly in putting up a rather tasteful, natural looking garland all the way up the banisters. No lights - the deputy is planning to sneak in on Sunday and transform it into Santa's grotto. I can't wait.

Guernsey is brilliant at Christmas - so many people go to great lengths to transform their houses and gardens. One wealthy family opens up their estate, charging a minimal fee for charity - a good fundraiser and community event as so many people go. Driving or cycling in the dark can be rather hazardous - I'm so busy looking at everything. And it's wonderful flying in at night, seeing all the lights lit.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Parent teacher meetings

Phew - parents meetings over, bar one.

Actually, I like parent teacher meetings, even if it does mean that I don't get home before 8pm - or later - several nights this week. I like the children I teach and I like meeting and getting to know their parents. They are usually absolutely delightful.

Tonight's parents were no exception. They even made me feel that I am doing a good job with their kids. All were very grateful.

I could have done with these meetings several weeks ago, but better late than never.

Now it's a frantic rush to get all our work done by the end of term!

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Football skills

I was on duty in the playground at lunchtime today.

The school is having astroturf laid down and so the children were confined to the small playground.

130 boys.

There was one football game and various small footie games played with tennis balls.
It was hard to know where to stand without being an inadvertent and unwilling goal post.

Inevitably, my foot met the ball several times.

Last week, in the 'Crossbar Challenge' I spectacularly failed to kick the ball anywhere near the goal crossbar. I WAS wearing high heeled boots at the time, and I DID try and kick the ball backwards - which earned a lot of laughs and a surprising amount of applause.

I managed several gentle kicks and actually connected with various moving objects. Two separate feet and one stomach, to be precise. The stomach was delighted.

School: parent teacher meetings

Parent teacher meetings last night.

I have one or two challenging characters this year - so equally, one or two of the meetings weren't easy. It's hard working with children sometimes - you know what you long for them to be, and they just refuse the help.

Their egos are more important than anything else. I feel sad for them.

The parents, of course, believe that their child cannot do or say anything wrong - and viciously attack anyone who deems otherwise.

Colleagues have marvelled at my patience.

I don't have much natural patience, actually. But I know I can't do anything BUT act patiently. It's the way Jesus was, and he's my role model. It's almost as if I can't help myself - I'm just hanging in there. It's rather like setting the points on a train track so I keep going the right way - once I've done it, there's less chance of ending up as someone I don't want to be.

So I carry on pouring out energy, praying and hoping for the best for the children I teach.

And I'm grateful for all those parents who told me yesterday how happy their children are. Even, that they're really blossoming.

It does make it all worthwhile.

Saturday, 24 November 2007


When I was younger - not so very much younger, actually - I made friends and thought I would keep them for life. Most of them are still my friends.

Some of them have been around for more decades than you can imagine.

But I've moved a lot. And every time I've moved, I've left friends behind - and made new ones.

Now I realise that I do have friends for life - and some of them are on different continents. Nothing would please me more than to be able to spend time with them again. To drop round after work, or meet up for a meal. But practically, I can't. Expensive executive jets are beyond my budget. And in any case, my job wouldn't allow that sort of time off!

So the friends I have coffee with, or chat to, are those who are here with me - now. They are the ones I need and share with.

They are incredibly important to me. Now. Here. In this moment.

Island living

Beautiful cold clear frosty morning. When I went outside to dump the coffee grounds in the compost, my nose started twitching. Sewage. Whoops.

We live in a 'rural' area on Guernsey. Rural means a) that we're not actually in a cluster of houses and even have a field between us and our nearest neighbour and b) that we're not on the main drainage system. So our waste water goes into a cess pit which has to be emptied periodically. Before it overflows, preferably.

I peeped round the corner in the direction of the smell. I knew the tank was full and we had had a lot of rain recently: fields were flooded and the douits - the drainage ditches - had filled up after a very dry autumn. We had ordered the sewage truck to empty the pit but sometimes it would take some days to come, depending on its schedule.

The cover to the pit was open, with a sewage pipe lying next to it. Hence the smell. No sign of the sewage truck. Oh well, it had probably nipped off to empty a load and would, presumably, be back to fill up again and to collect its pipe.

There are many other benefits to living here. This has to be one of my favourites. It reminds me of my life back in Africa. Not taking anything for granted - particularly waste disposal.

Friday, 23 November 2007


This obsession with nuts is getting ridiculous.

I'm sitting here, typing away, when Mpira comes along and headbutts my leg. Hard. Now he has my attention, he skitters away towards the door.

No, he doesn't want to go outside to chase rabbits.

I wander towards his food bowl. It's empty, so I fill it up with dog biscuits. He looks at me with a disgusted expression on his face and then walks over to where we keep the peanuts for the birds. He looks at the nuts, looks at me, looks at the nuts, looks at me...

I give in.

I go back to the computer, leaving one nut-happy dog behind me.

Thursday, 22 November 2007


Mamampira might sound a rather strange name, but of course Mpira is the name of our beloved Jack Russell/collie cross. He is named for the bouncy piece of rubber that he has resembled since he was a puppy.

He greets us - whether we have been away five minutes, five hours or five days - with a succession of vertical bounces and ecstatic squeaks and squeals of pleasure. Just like a small furry rubber ball.

He has several passions. The one which is amusing us at the moment is his longing for nuts.

We make our own muesli, putting roasted cashew nuts in it. Occasionally a hot nut slips off the plate onto the floor. Mpira, who has been on the starting blocks since he first heard the rustle of nut packet, dives for the nut with the energy and passion of a forward scoring a try for England.

The nut is VERY hot. It is immediately spat out onto the floor and left to cool. Cooling is assisted by frantic pawing at the floor around the nut - since Mpira now knows that the nut is DEFINITELY too hot to touch. He paws it an average of ten times before he dares touch it with his mouth.

He crunches it up, somewhat slowly. Then sits back and looks at us accusingly. And waits for the next one.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Weather wonders

What a difference the weather makes.

Yesterday we woke up to grey which quickly turned to rain. It seemed to rain most of the day. The sea still looked spectacular: white foam on a backdrop of greys.

Cycling home was interesting: I tend to whizz too fast, so had a 'skiddy moment' coming down one hill. Fortunately, I didn't panic and jam the brakes on even more but managed to control the bike without coming off it. (I didn't think my nose would be too impressed by a close encounter with wet tarmac.)

Today it is bright sunshine, sparkling sea, and the children I teach are in a much better mood. They're doing great work, creating a simple story book for younger children.

Some of the art work is outstandingly good.

It's great to feel so good about the weather, work, the world... Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Confession time

Last night I went to a women's get-together from church. We listened to a talk on CD, challenging us that God was giving each of us a task. This task was like a flatpack which needed to be assembled: we had to unpack it and put it to use.

I was supposed to round the talk up with a short reflection and prayer.

I'd listened to most of the talk once, but should have done so again.

So guess who was busy making notes all the way through?

I didn't need to, though. The gist of the talk was easy to understand. So I just rounded off with a little challenge to take the gift and unwrap it, even if we didn't feel up to the task. No excuses: just get started and everything else will follow...

The words from Philippians 4:16 sprang to mind: "...God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

I couldn't remember the context, but looked it up later.

It was all about how the Philippians supported Paul in his work. What a lovely picture: the way the people of God use gifts to help each other. I hope we all do that in our little corner of this world: just think what a difference it would make if everyone did the same?

And isn't it neat when God encourages us like this?

Monday, 19 November 2007

Struggling through

The last few days have been so hectic and complicated! It's not the fault of my schedule - which is normally easily manageable - but of the people and the relationships in my life. Mostly, at the moment, my working life.

That's the trouble - and the joy - with teaching.

The relationships and the development of individuals are what makes it so inspiring and worthwhile. But people are complicated and sometimes it all stops working the way it should.

Spanners in the works.

Spanners are not just people's actions, but events and circumstances too.

I read Psalm 71 this morning.

Some of the words leapt out and grabbed me, shouting: 'Listen to ME. THIS is what I'm telling you. Now LISTEN UP!' Others were for dear friends who are struggling at the moment.

In part, the Psalm says: 'I will keep on expecting you to help me. I praise you more and more....I walk in the strength of the the Lord...'

That's for sure.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Job description

After a day like today, I need a new job description.

Quality control assessor
Human resources director
Press officer
Catering manager
Liaison officer
Logistics organizer
Team member
Educator and trainer
Life skills coach
Parenting advisor
Sports coach
Event organiser...

All in the primary school teacher's job description!

Life is crazy

If I were to write down the myriad of annoyances I've had to deal with this past week, I'd be a candidate for some sort of reality TV show.

It would also take me several hours.

At times, it has seemed as if everything is descending into chaos.
If I wasn't a Christian, knowing that I can turn my anxieties over to Jesus, I'd be tempted to despair.

I can't help laughing about it - it's all so crazy and, at times, downright ridiculous.

Yet, as I deal with children, parents, and harrassed staff, a pattern is emerging.

And everything is pointing to a (hopefully) satisfactory solution.

It might still be a rough ride, but at least I'm not on the rollercoaster on my own.


Monday, 12 November 2007

My bicycle

After weeks of injuries - first my coccyx, then THE NOSE - I'm back on my bicycle.

It's wonderful.

I was off to work at 7.30 this morning. The air was still - unusual for Guernsey - and the sun shone brightly. A low mist clung to the fields.

There didn't even seem to be as much traffic as usual!

It's just such a brilliant way to start the day: a good 25 minutes, which is only 10 minutes more than if I drove, in the knowledge that I only need to freewheel downhill to get home at the end of my long day.


Sunday, 11 November 2007

Waking in the middle of the night.

I can wake in the middle of the night for all sorts of reasons, but last night's call was particularly annoying.

The phone by the bed occasionally 'trills' loudly, for no apparent reason.

This rarely happens during the day.

The last time it did it was at 1.30am this morning!


So then I lay awake for what seemed to be HOURS - and probably was.

I put my little world to rights in my head and STILL couldn't get back to sleep. (I can't remember all the wonderful ideas I had either.)

Then names of people I love started to float down the red carpet of my imagination. As each one appeared, I prayed for them. Then came another, and another...

The last one was was called SLEEP.

Friday, 9 November 2007


My thoughtful nephew - aged 3 and a half - heard about my mishap with my nose.

First he sent me a hand-crafted get well card.

Then a box of luscious hand-made chocolates arrived by post.

He is so thoughtful. So are his wonderful parents - what a lovely surprise!

Thank you, Matthew, Paula and Henry!

The nose - final report

Took the nose for its MOT today.

The wraps were removed and the interior was inspected and vacuumed clean.

Then it was road-tested - i.e., was it still doing its job of helping me breathe - and pronounced roadworthy once more.

I was, however, told not to get it involved in any more accidents for the next two weeks.

Or ever again, if possible.

I'm quite scared of walking down stairs in high heeled shoes now, for fear of tripping and smashing up the nose again.

I don't like to think what the surgeon would say.

Meanwhile, the trophy plaster sits on the mantelpiece.


Out to dinner with friends last night.

It turned out to be a surprisingly depressing evening.

We were on our way to putting the world to rights, but didn't quite get there. We just got stuck on what was wrong, and what we WEREN'T doing about it.


Thursday, 8 November 2007

Getting on and falling out

Back to school with a vengeance. A little delegation of boys caught me at lunchtime, asking to move places. Oddly enough (!) I'd just decided it was time for a shake up and was in the process of organising it.

Before I worked in an all boys school, I thought it was girls who mainly fell out.

How wrong I was!

Nevertheless, I asked them - in confidence - who they WOULD want to be with and who they WOULDN'T. Then I created a sociogram - drawing lots of green and red lines, with arrows.

It was fascinating to see who was most popular (the quietest boy in the class) and who was the most disliked.

Now I've just got to sort out who sits with whom.

I don't expect it to be easy!

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Back to school

One of the most interesting things about this experience has been the apparent lack of reaction from others.

I'm used to having a white nose now - but I don't look exactly normal. Nor did I when I had two enormous black eyes.

Yet I have had several conversations with acquaintances and complete strangers, none of whom have let on that they have noticed anything amiss.

(My friends and closer acquaintances couldn't restrain themselves. They wanted to know all the gory details, bit by bit. I've been touched by their care and concern.)

Even the boys back at school haven't commented.

? Polite, or what? Not that I'd be offended anyway...

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Getting There - I think

Back to the doctor again who removed the monstrosity of the plaster cast. He made me look at myself in the mirror - I had no choice. I briefly contemplated keeping my eyes shut but, well, I do have nerves of steel at times.

It didn't look too bad. I'm not sure exactly, because two seconds was all I got to look at it before he slapped the steri strips on again. There are so many I look as if I have a false white nose.

I was told the other day, while my nose was still in plaster, that I looked like Adam Ant - remember him, the pop star who used to wear a white strip of cloth across his face? (I've been compared to him before, au naturel - but that's another story. It was a compliment, may I add - though I've never quite worked out how.)

Now my cheeks, still bright red from the allergic reaction to the sticking plaster, make me look like Pippi Longstocking without the plaits.

Can it get worse?

Monday, 5 November 2007

The Broken Nose for the nth time

First the Accident

Then the Bruising and the Black Eyes

Then the Operation

Then the Plaster

Then the Allergy to the Plaster

Now the Piriton Effect...

Still, there must be an end in sight.

Add to that, I feel a bit of a fraud being off work just for the After Effects of a Nose Incident!

I suppose it's a bit like a car having an overhaul - everything has to settle back down and be tested carefully.

Can't wait to be back at full running speed!

Sunday, 4 November 2007

The Broken Nose - AGAIN!

You'd think there would be an end to this saga.

The scenario, in my mind, goes like this:

Nose gets broken.
Nose gets fixed.
Nose gets better.
Nose is back to normal.

Still only at stage two - at least, I hope it's fixed. It feels as if it might be.

It's just the getting better bit.

I seem to be allergic to sticking plaster - the good old bright pink stretchy fabric type which is pleasantly plastered (ha ha) horizontally all the way across my face like some sort of tribal face decoration.

My cheeks are bright red, itchy and puffed up.

The plaster has been eased off my face but the skin is still sore.

And, to quote Terry Pratchett: 'Itchy, itchy, itchy...prickle prickle prickle....'

At least my nose isn't. Itchy, that is.

So it must be getting better.

Mustn't it?

Saturday, 3 November 2007


What a gift it is to have friends.

Post broken nose, I have been overwhelmed with messages of concern, emails, texts, visits...

Just for a nose!

One friend, nursing a sore throat, has just dropped in with a goody bag of fresh fruit and a ready cooked chicken. I am so touched by her concern: she should be at home in the warm, not dragging herself round shops.

I feel so blessed.

Friday, 2 November 2007

Fixing the broken nose

Back from the hospital after having the nose job. My day went like this:

7.30 arrival and check in to departure lounge - whoops, ward.
7.35 change for the fright experience into amorphous hospital gown and PAPER knickers. It took me several minutes to work out which way round they went.
7.40 started reading trashy magazine.

Digression. The magazines are truly trashy. Those beloved of my teenage years and youth are now 90% celebrity or TV gossip. Totally boring. When did we turn into this 'twitching of the net curtain society' with nothing better to do but peer into other people's lives?

9.40 went to boarding gate for final preparation for the trip. Needles and monitors stuck in and all over me, then that pleasant feeling of drunkenness just before take off...

10.25 woke up just before landing back into the world. Annoyed theatre nurse by asking all sorts of questions about the fright experience as he was trying to deliver me to the ward nurse. I should have obeyed the 'keep mouth fastened until the warning light is switched off' sign on his forehead.

10.45 after fright refreshments. Never has coffee and toast been so welcome. It was at least 12 hours since I'd eaten. I just loved that individual pot of Marmite...

10.50 visit from the chief mechanic. Apparently the damage to the nose was much more extensive than it had first appeared - 'mushy' was the word used. He has pieced it all back together tho, like a jigsaw. He'll take off the scaffolding in a week's time and prepare it for a flight test. I feel like a bumble bee getting ready for a trip to a luscious smelling flower.

11.55 exit to departure lounge, ready to pass through customs. Customs official appeared after one minute, escorted me to the car and drove me home.


Thursday, 1 November 2007

A Healthy School

I had a meeting with my head teacher yesterday. I’m in charge of an initiative to promote health in the school. This is all aspects: healthy eating; physical health, including exercise and sport; the personal and social aspects of education; and emotional wellbeing.

I’m passionate about this: about helping children become more aware and more CARING about the society they live in.

Maybe we should start an Anti-Selfishness Society!

So I’m excited, but it is a huge undertaking. I need to get at least 8 other people on board to form a team. And I need to present it – in an easily digestible, understandable form – to the rest of the staff.

The head has earmarked a slot for me to do this.

Our last morning of this incredibly busy, incredibly hectic Christmas term. After the staff party the night before!